Monday, November 26, 2018

"Man beside on his mask

"Beside The Mask"

This picture is the person who's happy, simple, responsible
 but beside on his mask he has many problem, 
problem like in family, friends, and other people beside him.

I'm christian and i'm the person on that mask.In this world there's no perfect PEOPLE
because all the people here is have many problem like me.
i want to see who am I in this world because  i did not know what i was really.

when i was grade 7 many people told me that who am I and then i answer it.
but after that question i still do not saw who I am.
and after a few years i have many new friends i met
 and i asked them who I was and they answered you're our true friend
 and I smiled and became happy. because i have a true friend and really know me.

Now I am grade 11 student of STEM. in this grade level i have more knowing
about my self because we have Personal Development Subject.
so that i work hard for my study so i can get to know who I really am
 and to improve my knowledge to know more about my personality.



  1. There's more to life! Oftentimes, we learn the most valuable things in life outside the four corners of the classroom. But don't get me wrong, schooling is an important part of the journey of life.:)

    1. thank you! yes it's true schooling is very important thank you for appreciating


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