Saturday, January 5, 2019

Personal assessment of aspects of development with plan of action

Image may contain: 1 person, selfie, closeup and indoor

"Living in the world without doubt"

Development is one of the most important of our life,because being a human in this world we need to improve it.
I'm the person who has a different aspect of life and all those things I have is I want it to improve.
I'm also a person that i need to respect all my aspect because I'm the only key to achieve it.all those aspect is have different way of how to improve it.
I start with my physical self I got a many wrong of my body like my Face,Muscle,and my whole body.when I'm 16 years old my body is like a skeleton and my face is have many Pimples but after a year my body is slowly improving like my small muscle.
Let's talk about in others aspect,on how I interact of others.I'm the person that i can do the things even though it's really hard like talking to the strangers,saying sorry to my mother,accepting the truth even though I don't like and joining to the different event even though I'm shy.
To my others aspect I do all the good way to improve and develop it,so that don't judge my personality if you don't know who I am.I'm very thankful to God because He's my Savior in many challenges and problem.

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Personal assessment of aspects of development with plan of action

"Living in the world without doubt" Development is one of the most important of our life,because being a human in this world...